abuseEmail FAQ

What does abuseEmail.pl needs to run?

abuseEmail.pl needs perl and modules IO::Socket and Net::DNS to run.
Perl is available at: http://www.perl.com/pub/language/info/software.html
IO::Socket is included in the standard Perl distribution.
Net::DNS is available at: http://www.fuhr.org/~mfuhr/perldns/

Does abuseEmail.pl runs on Linux, Solaris, Windows, Mac OS, DOS, OS/2, Amiga, OpenVMS, etc?

abuseEmail.pl is just a perl script, is it OS independant. However it needs perl and modules IO::Socket and Net::DNS to run.

Perl is avaible for several Operating Systems, including Un*x, Mac OS, Windows and tons of others.
IO::Socket is included in the standard Perl distribution and is also available here: http://www.cpan.org/modules/by-module/IO/
Net::DNS is only supported for Un*x platforms, it may be possible to make it run on Windows or others platforms, but not garanties.

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